These nonviolent pot offenders were sentenced to
life without parole or defacto life in prison for marijuana

Marijuana Prohibition
is a
Big Government Program
Today's cannabis business plan is yesterday's marijuana conspiracy
These marijuana prisoners all have names and stories. They have parents, spouses and children who all suffer and wonder why there is no mercy. The families travel (across the country sometimes) to a federal prison, get searched and processed and sometimes drug tested. If they are admitted, they sit in an oppressive visiting room (with lunch from a vending machine if they’re lucky) and with no physical contact except one hug on the way in and another as they turn to leave their loved one behind.
Many stories, many outlets. Now that pot use has been legalized in many states, there is still a need to have it legalized on a national level. Here are some of the stories pertaining to that push.
Call to Action
It all begins with YOU. One voice crying in the wilderness might not mean anything to a politician, but many voices raised together for one purpose will carry a song of freedom to every door of Congress. Help us to right the injustices and bring these nonviolent prisoners of war (the war on drugs) home to their loved ones. produced this graph
They have a wealth of visual resources
Jennifer Turner: Life Without Parole a Living Death Clemency
Douglas Berman: Turning Hope and Change into Clemency Action for Nonviolent Drug Offenders
Beth Curtis: Marijuana Legalization - Life for Pot